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Insert Node Parameter: page (6-1.2)

Display the body of the node, the terms, the CCK fields, and the links. Input filters are applied.

In this case the Insert Node tells the node that it is its page. Some modules will react differently than when body is used.

CSS Class: div.insert-node-page

Theme: InsertNode_page

See Also: Insert Node Parameter: body (5-1.x)

Insert Node Parameter: body (5-1.x)

Display the body of the node, the terms and the CCK fields. Input filters are applied.

CSS Class: div.insert-node-body

Theme: InsertNode_body

See Also: Insert Node Parameter: content (6-1.0), Insert Node Parameter: page (6-1.2), Insert Node Parameter: teaser (5-1.x), Insert Node Parameter: themed (6-1.0)

Insert Node Parameter: title (6-1.1)

Display the title of the node inside an <h3> tag. It is otherwise unthemed.

To avoid the <h3> tag, use cck=title;, link, or more instead.

CSS Name: h3.insert-node-title

See Also: Insert Node Parameter: cck (6-1.2)

See Also: Insert Node Parameter: target (6-1.4) [no content]

See Also: Insert Node Parameter: link (5-1.0)

See Also: Insert Node Parameter: more (6-1.1)

Insert Node Parameter: themed (6-1.0)

Display the themed body of the node and the terms as if you were looking at that very node.

The CCK fields and links are not shown. The filters are not applied.

This means if you use a filter such as the footnotes filter with [fn]Info tags, they will NOT be transformed.

CSS Class: no class is added, this keyword returns the theme() call content immediately.

Theme: InsertNode_themed

See Also: Insert Node Parameter: body (5-1.x)

Insert Node Usage


The Insert node tag syntax is:

   [node:<name of node> <parameters>]

Name of node

The <name of node> can either be

  • The name of the node, i.e. it's URL without the protocol and domain1, or
  • The node identifier (the number you see in your URL when you edit the node), or
  • An asterisk (*) in which case the current node applies2
    • 1. For instance, to insert this very node, I would use the name doc_insert_node_usage.
    • 2. The asterisk is useful to repeat something from the node in a block. This could be the title of the node or a CCK field. I would suggest ...

Coming back at the right place when adding/editing/deleting Comments

It is now possible (See #418004: Comments included --> Back after reply) to have Drupal send you back to the page that inserts the node instead of the inserted node. Say you create node A and B. You include node A inside node B. You are looking at node B now. You decide to add a comment on node A (that you see from within node B.) Click on the Add new comment link, write the comment and click Save. At that point, you probably want to come back to node B instead of node A.

This feature is only necessary if you have the links at the bottom of the node and allow comments to show up.

The ...

Parent/Child with Taxonomy VTN

Terms in a taxonomy can be organized as children of other terms. This generates a parent/child organization. For instance, you can have a term Fruit and mark Apple and Peach as children of Fruit.

The parent/child relationship can be used when you organize your Taxonomy VTN to shorten each page of your dictionary. The idea is simple: whenever you enter the top dictionary (taxonomy) page, you only get a list of the root terms (terms that are not children of other terms.) That list gives you access to the children terms and/or nodes of the parent term.

Screenshot of the form used to choose the parent/child relationship. Click to enlarge.There are three flags you can use to

Creating Groups with Taxonomy VTN

Taxonomy VTN adds many fields in your taxonomy forms. When editing your taxonomy, one field is called Taxonomy VTN Group. This field is used to group different vocabularies (i.e. taxonomies) together in a group.

Screenshot of Taxonomy VTN Group setup field. Click to enlarge.The field accepts one or more group names. The names are case insensitive and are separated by commas. For instance, you could have three names such as: Kitchen, Utensils, Stainless Steel. Then another vocabulary could mention Kitchen and yet another Utensils, Wood.

The groups change the display in the Taxonomy VTN root page. A specific group can also be accessed using the URL:


Tag Info
Tag Number: 
Tag Type: 
Tag Flash Version: 
Brief Description: 

Declares an animated character. This is similar to a shape with a display list so the character can be changing on its own over time.

Tag Structure: 
struct swf_definesprite {
	swf_tag			f_tag;		/* 39 */
	unsigned short		f_sprite_id;
	unsigned short		f_frame_count;
	...			<data>;
	swf_tag			f_end;

A sprite is a set of SWF tags defining an animated object which can then be used as a simple object. A sprite cannot contain another sprite. hHowever, you can use PlaceObject2 to place a sprite in another.

The following are the tags accepted in a Sprite:

Appendix B — History of the SSWF reference

Dec 2, 2009

Moved the monolithic documentation to a multi-page hierarchical document that includes everything we had before plus many links, many terms attached to all pages (tags, English words.) And revision of most of the text for better English and clarification in some places.

Strengthen the formatting with CCK fields so all declarations look alike.

Broken up the actions from one large table to a set of pages.

Dec 14, 2008

Started work on the Load() feature of the SSWF library. This helped fixing several small mistakes in the documentation.

May 18, 2008

Fixed the ...