Here is yet another example of why opensource is a really good way of getting things fixed.
Assuming you have a project that is getting used by many, you are likely to see people post issues about bugs and possible enhancements. Your software is even very likely to get improved on its own by enthousiast users. On Github, for example, it is very easy to fork a project (make a copy) and then work on your version of the software. You can then offer a fix to the main authors of the project with a near one to one copy of the project.
In our case, a security professional, Mike Salvatore, was asked ...
Version 7.x-1.x-dev is a starting point... It is not complete, although it shows you a functional Management menu as a dropdown. More to come as time allows... See issue [#791664] for more info.
Version 6.x-1.13 fixes the vertical menu problem which had to do with CSS caching getting lost.
Version 6.x-1.10 to 6.x-1.12 fixes the non-called theme() function versus the other sub-modules that have callbacks through the theme() calls. However, we really need to have callbacks instead. Added horizontal and vertical themes. Attempts to fix to the vertical menu problem
If you are responsible for a Debian or Ubuntu server and run PHP on it, make sure to run the following command to fix several security issues found in PHP:
sudo apt-get install php5-suhosin
This will make the necessary and your PHP version (security wise) will look like you have PHP 5.3.3.
What I found quite annoying in regard to this issue is the fact that it was very difficult to find a mention of this upgrade. All I could find in large number were people saying that you'd have to get an upgrade using the source code of PHP. Somehow, I did not feel like upgrading PHP from ...
Your business website is you online. Educate your leads by the writing of your journal, and offer quality pages full of information!
This upgrade enhances your existing Snap! Blogger Free website with business quality features such as remote blogging, anti-spam features, incorporated social media capabilities, professional analysis, and much
That way you can come back to your previous version if anything goes wrong. So far, no one told me that they had a problem upgrading. Although version 2.x did not have any schema, the new module may modify nodes and generate incompatible tags.
Version 3.x has a new theme() scheme. It is much more powerful has it allows you to create your own header numbering, etc. However, if you already had a theme() overload in your theme, it will stop working until fixed.
Please, in this case, make sure to upgrade on
Various known issues with the Table of Contents module.
Teaser appear, FCKeditor accentuated letters, Back to top arrow, Filters interaction (JavaScript removal,) headers numbering, double numbering...
I changed the name of the module back to InsertNode (although I did not want to, I did not want to jeopardize the Drupal 5 version... which would probably have been fine, but well...)
So, the newer version of the D6 module is again called InsertNode.
To upgrade you will want to keep the other version running until you get the new version as the replacement (although you can manage your site the way you'd like this procedure let you switch from the previous version to the new version without having to turn off your site for a little while.)
Eweek reports:
“A recent survey shows that 44 percent of businesses are considering Mac OS and Linux rather than switching to Vista.”
We are seeing the barbarians at the gate now, and the MS empire begins to show its first signs of crumbling. And it’s been a long time coming, I’m afraid. It goes to show you how ineffective the US anti-trust laws are, and how the free market is self-regulating.
It seems that Microsoft is very out of touch of what their customers really want, and is full steam ahead using its outdated business model of forced upgrading. Looks ...