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HP Color LaserJet Pro Multifunction M479fdn Laser Printer

My new M479nfd printer, scanner, fax

Click to get this printer on where I'm an affiliate.

Not too long ago, I ordered a new color drump for my old printer and replaced it. Not very long after that the print simply decided to not print at all anymore. Literally, it would pass the page through just fine but it had nothing on the page. I know it was working since it was printinA picture of my old dinosaur printer, also from HP (an L2550 color laser printer)g just fine the day before and there was still plenty of black ink (it would have had the light on if the black was not enough.)

I'm thinking that may have been a ploy by the manufacturer to push me to buy a new printer...

In any event, ...

Get Variable

SWF Action
Action Category: 
Action Details: 
Action Identifier: 
Action Structure: 
Action Length: 
0 byte(s)
Action Stack: 
pop 1 (s), push 1 (a)
Action Operation: 
s1 := pop();
r := *s1;
Action Flash Version: 

Pop one string, search for a variable of that name, and push its value on the stack. This action first checks for local variables in the current function. If there isn't such a variable, or the execution is not in a function, then the corresponding global variable is read.

The variable name can include sprite names separated by slashes and finished by a colon as in. Only global variables are accessible in this way.



In this example, the variable named MyVaris queried from the sprite named Sprite2which resides in Sprite1.

In a browser you can add ...

Get URL2

SWF Action
Action Category: 
Action Details: 
Action Identifier: 
Action Structure: 
unsigned char    f_method;
Action Length: 
1 byte(s)
Action Stack: 
pop 2 (s)
Action Operation: 
s1 := pop();
s2 := pop();
s1.load(s2, f_method);
Action Flash Version: 

Pop two strings, the URL (s2) and the target name (s1).

All the usual HTML target names seem to be supported (_top, _blank, <frame name>, etc.) You can also use the special internal names _level0 to _level10. _level0 is the current movie. Other levels, I'm still not too sure how these can be used.

SWF Internal Functions

Since Flash version 5, you can use internal functions (really member functions or methods of internal objects.) These functions are always available. These methods are called using the Call Function action with the name of the object and function separated by a period. A few of these internal functions are duplicates of some direct action script instructions. In general, it is preferred to use these internal functions rather than the direct action. However, direct actions are a good way to optimize your ActionScript code.

Similarly, you can access internal constants (really variable ...

Enumerate Object

SWF Action
Action Category: 
Action Details: 
Action Identifier: 
Action Structure: 
Action Length: 
0 byte(s)
Action Stack: 
pop 1 (o), push null, push * (s)
Action Operation: 
o1 := pop();
foreach(o1 as name) {
Action Flash Version: 

Pop an object from the stack, push a null, then push the name of each variable and function member of that object on the stack.

This mechanism can be used to implement a foreach() function on an object. Be careful, though, that the stack be cleared when leaving the loop.

This action uses an object reference. If you only have the name of the object, use the Enumerate action instead.

Note that internal functions, such as the play() function on a MovieClip1, are enumerated but they cannot really be dealt with easily. Their ...

  • 1. MovieClip is the proper type for a Sprite in an ActionScript.

Declare Function (V7)

SWF Action
Action Category: 
Action Details: 
(256 variables)
Action Identifier: 
Action Structure: 
string     f_name;
unsigned short   f_arg_count;
unsigned char   f_reg_count;
unsigned short   f_declare_function2_reserved : 7;
unsigned short   f_preload_global : 1;
unsigned short   f_preload_parent : 1;
unsigned short   f_preload_root : 1;
unsigned short   f_suppress_super : 1;
unsigned short   f_preload_super : 1;
unsigned short   f_suppress_arguments : 1;
unsigned short   f_preload_arguments : 1;
unsigned short   f_suppress_this : 1;
unsigned short   f_preload_this : 1;
swf_params   f_params[f_arg_count];
unsigned short   f_function_length;

WARNING: the preload/suppress flags are defined on a short and thus the bytes in a Flash file will look swapped.

Action Length: 
-1 byte(s)
Action Stack: 
Action Operation: 
create a function on the current target
Action Flash Version: 

Declare a function which can later be called with the Call Function action or Call Method action (when defined as a function member.) The f_function_length1 defines the number of bytes that the function declaration uses after the header (i.e. the size of the actions defined in the function.) All the actions included in this block are part of the function body.

  • 1. A function is limited to 65535 bytes.

Call Function

SWF Action
Action Category: 
Action Details: 
Action Identifier: 
Action Structure: 
Action Length: 
0 byte(s)
Action Stack: 
pop 1 (s), pop 1 (i), pop i2 (a), push 1 (a)
Action Operation: 
s1 := pop();
i2 := pop();
for(idx := 3; idx < i2 + 3; ++idx) {
  aidx = pop();
r := call s1(a3, a4, a5...a(i2+2));
Action Flash Version: 

Pops one string that represents the name of the function to call, pop one integer indicating the number of arguments following, pop each argument, call the named function, push the result of the function on the stack. There is always a result1.

  • 1. When nothing is returned by the function, the result undefined is pushed on the stack.


Tag Info
Tag Number: 
Tag Type: 
Tag Flash Version: 
Brief Description: 

Define whether CSM text should be used in a previous DefineText, DefineText2 or DefineEditText.

Tag Structure: 
struct swf_csmtextsettings {
	swf_tag			f_tag;		/* 74 */
	unsigned short		f_text_id_ref;
	unsigned		f_use_flag_type : 2;
	unsigned		f_grid_fit : 3;
	unsigned		f_reserved : 3;
	long float		f_thickness;
	long float		f_sharpness;
	unsigned char		f_reserved;

The CSMTextSettings are used to change the rendering mode of glyphs in a DefineText, DefineText2 and DefineEditText.

The f_text_id_ref is a reference to a tag holding some texts which glyphs need to be tweaked with these settings.

The f_use_flag_type defines which of the system (0) or Flash (1) font renderer should be used.

Value Renderer Version
0 System 8
1 Internal Flash Type


Tag Info
Tag Number: 
Tag Type: 
Tag Flash Version: 
Brief Description: 

An edit text enables the end users to enter text in a Flash window.

Tag Structure: 
struct swf_defineedittext {
	swf_tag			f_tag;		/* 37 */
	unsigned short		f_edit_id;
	swf_rect		f_rect;
	unsigned		f_edit_has_text : 1;
	unsigned		f_edit_word_wrap : 1;
	unsigned		f_edit_multiline : 1;
	unsigned		f_edit_password : 1;
	unsigned		f_edit_readonly : 1;
	unsigned		f_edit_has_color : 1;
	unsigned		f_edit_has_max_length : 1;
	unsigned		f_edit_has_font : 1;
	if(version >= 6) {
		unsigned		f_edit_reserved : 1;
		unsigned		f_edit_auto_size : 1;
	else {
		unsigned		f_edit_reserved : 2;
	unsigned		f_edit_has_layout : 1;
	unsigned		f_edit_no_select : 1;
	unsigned		f_edit_border : 1;
	unsigned		f_edit_reserved : 1;
	unsigned		f_edit_html : 1;
	unsigned		f_edit_use_outlines : 1;
	if(f_edit_has_font) {
		unsigned short		f_edit_font_id_ref;
		unsigned short		f_edit_font_height;
	if(f_edit_has_color) {
		swf_rgba		f_edit_color;
	if(f_edit_has_max_length) {
		unsigned short		f_edit_max_length;
	if(f_edit_has_layout) {
		unsigned char		f_edit_align;
		unsigned short		f_edit_left_margin;
		unsigned short		f_edit_right_margin;
		signed short		f_edit_indent;
		signed short		f_edit_leading;
	string			f_edit_variable_name;
	if(f_edit_has_text) {
		string			f_edit_initial_text;

Additional interactivity has been added in V4.0 of the SWF format. This is given by the use of edit boxes offering the end users a way to enter text as if the SWF movie was in fact an interactive form.

The text is defined in a variable (accessible in action scripts). It can be dynamically assigned and retrieved. It is legal to have an empty string as the variable name (not dynamically accessible).

Since version 8, the text drawn by a DefineEditText tag can be tweaked by adding a CSMTextSettings tag.

The f_edit_word_wrap flag will be set to true (1) in order to have words going beyond the ...