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Insert Node Parameter: cck (6-1.2)

The CCK parameter let you insert one of your CCK field and some node fields that cannot otherwise be added without being themed.

We support CCK fields and several special field names as follow.

Fields that appeared after version 6-1.2 have a version specified between parenthesis (i.e. 6-1.3).

cck=field_<name>; [requires CCK]

The CCK parameter must be followed by a field name. An empty name is likely to generate an error. The name of a field that does not exist is likely to generate nothing.

For instance, if you have a field named see_also, you would write:


Coming back at the right place when adding/editing/deleting Comments

It is now possible (See #418004: Comments included --> Back after reply) to have Drupal send you back to the page that inserts the node instead of the inserted node. Say you create node A and B. You include node A inside node B. You are looking at node B now. You decide to add a comment on node A (that you see from within node B.) Click on the Add new comment link, write the comment and click Save. At that point, you probably want to come back to node B instead of node A.

This feature is only necessary if you have the links at the bottom of the node and allow comments to show up.

The ...

Get URL2

SWF Action
Action Category: 
Action Details: 
Action Identifier: 
Action Structure: 
unsigned char    f_method;
Action Length: 
1 byte(s)
Action Stack: 
pop 2 (s)
Action Operation: 
s1 := pop();
s2 := pop();
s1.load(s2, f_method);
Action Flash Version: 

Pop two strings, the URL (s2) and the target name (s1).

All the usual HTML target names seem to be supported (_top, _blank, <frame name>, etc.) You can also use the special internal names _level0 to _level10. _level0 is the current movie. Other levels, I'm still not too sure how these can be used.


SWF Action
Action Category: 
Action Details: 
Action Identifier: 
Action Structure: 
string   f_url;
string   f_target;
Action Length: 
-1 byte(s)
Action Stack: 
Action Operation: 
Action Flash Version: 

Load the specified URL in the specified target window.

When the target is set as "_level0", the current SWF file is replaced by the file specified in the f_url field. The name in the f_url field should be a proper SWF file or the area will simply become black.

When the target is set as "_level1", something special is supposed to happen. I still don't know what it is...
Also the effect of _level1 + an empty URL is ... (to remove level1?)


Tag Info
Tag Number: 
Tag Type: 
Tag Flash Version: 
Brief Description: 

New container tag for ActionScripts under SWF 9. Includes only actions. This tag is not defined in the official Flash documentation.

Tag Structure: 
struct swf_doabc {
	swf_tag			f_tag;		/* 72 or 82 */
	if(f_tag == DoABC) {
		unsigned long	f_action_flags;
		string		f_action_name;
	swf_action3		f_action_record[variable];

*the version specified here is the version in which the tags appeared—however, actions of higher versions can be used with older version tags and thus this version doesn't indicate the version of all the actions used in this tag

The DoABC and DoABCDefine are available since version 9. These are similar to the old DoAction and DoInitAction, yet the actions use a way different declaration scheme and they include flags and a name. This new scheme helps greatly in simplifying the definitions of ECMAScript classes and accelerate the access to the code tremendously.

Note that the ...


Tag Info
Tag Number: 
Tag Type: 
Tag Flash Version: 
Brief Description: 

An edit text enables the end users to enter text in a Flash window.

Tag Structure: 
struct swf_defineedittext {
	swf_tag			f_tag;		/* 37 */
	unsigned short		f_edit_id;
	swf_rect		f_rect;
	unsigned		f_edit_has_text : 1;
	unsigned		f_edit_word_wrap : 1;
	unsigned		f_edit_multiline : 1;
	unsigned		f_edit_password : 1;
	unsigned		f_edit_readonly : 1;
	unsigned		f_edit_has_color : 1;
	unsigned		f_edit_has_max_length : 1;
	unsigned		f_edit_has_font : 1;
	if(version >= 6) {
		unsigned		f_edit_reserved : 1;
		unsigned		f_edit_auto_size : 1;
	else {
		unsigned		f_edit_reserved : 2;
	unsigned		f_edit_has_layout : 1;
	unsigned		f_edit_no_select : 1;
	unsigned		f_edit_border : 1;
	unsigned		f_edit_reserved : 1;
	unsigned		f_edit_html : 1;
	unsigned		f_edit_use_outlines : 1;
	if(f_edit_has_font) {
		unsigned short		f_edit_font_id_ref;
		unsigned short		f_edit_font_height;
	if(f_edit_has_color) {
		swf_rgba		f_edit_color;
	if(f_edit_has_max_length) {
		unsigned short		f_edit_max_length;
	if(f_edit_has_layout) {
		unsigned char		f_edit_align;
		unsigned short		f_edit_left_margin;
		unsigned short		f_edit_right_margin;
		signed short		f_edit_indent;
		signed short		f_edit_leading;
	string			f_edit_variable_name;
	if(f_edit_has_text) {
		string			f_edit_initial_text;

Additional interactivity has been added in V4.0 of the SWF format. This is given by the use of edit boxes offering the end users a way to enter text as if the SWF movie was in fact an interactive form.

The text is defined in a variable (accessible in action scripts). It can be dynamically assigned and retrieved. It is legal to have an empty string as the variable name (not dynamically accessible).

Since version 8, the text drawn by a DefineEditText tag can be tweaked by adding a CSMTextSettings tag.

The f_edit_word_wrap flag will be set to true (1) in order to have words going beyond the ...

SWF Action 3 (swf_action3)

SWF Structure Info
Tag Flash Version: 
SWF Structure: 

Not documented here yet.

Since Flash version 9, actions can be saved in a new format named abcFormat by the Tamarin project from the Mozilla organization.

The code itself (action script) is the same, but the structure of an swf_action3 holds object oriented information about classes, methods and such in a really clean way (really! in comparison to the old way, that's dead clean!).

At this time, the swf_action3 structure is documented in the abcFormat.html file.

I will duplicate and test the structures at a later time.

IEEE Standard 754


The original document by Steve Hollasch can be found at

IEEE Standard 754 Floating Point Numbers

IEEE Standard 754 floating point is the most common representation today for real numbers on computers, including Intel-based PC's, Macintoshes, and most Unix platforms. This article gives a brief overview of IEEE floating point and its representation. Discussion of arithmetic implementation may be found in the book mentioned at the bottom of this article.

What Are Floating ...


Tag Info
Tag Number: 
Tag Type: 
Tag Flash Version: 
Brief Description: 

Change the background color. Defaults to white if unspecified.

Tag Structure: 
struct swf_setbackgroundcolor {
	swf_tag			f_tag;		/* 9 */
	swf_rgb			f_rgb;

This tag is used to specify the background color. It should always be included at the start of every .swf file (after the FileAttributes and Protect tags). Only an RGB color can be used (i.e. there is no alpha channel for that color, whatever the SWF version.)

To create a Flash animation that's transparent (so we can see the website gradient, for example) you use the wmode parameter in the HTML tag with the value "transparent", in which case the background color will be ignored and replaced by a fully transparent background. For example:

<embed width="440"  ...

One or two of the taxonomy columns are too wide

It happens that a column in your main display look too wide. Say you use three columns, one may be real large and two are the normal size (1/3rd of the screen.)

In general this happens because you have a URL in one of your description. (If the URL is in the title, I strongly advice that you move it to the description.) Then the description shows up as wide as that URL. Long URLs will have a real bad effect making the column much wider.

There are two ways to solve the problem:

  1. Create a tiny URL, although tiny URLs may still be too big, it may help
  2. Change the settings of the ...