Made to Order Software Corporation Logo


Space going green!

Today, the only way to go in Space is to use rockets or fast planes (although the latter does not get you as far as needed to reach even the IST.) Either one of those uses a tremendous amount of quite poluting carburant.

In the future, however, we definitively need to find a way to build an elevator. The building of such a structure has not started though. At this time there are two main reasons why: (1) we think we do not have the technology, and (2) what we have thought about can break with the consequences of getting the debris all over Earth and that could be quite dangerous.

Now there ...

Adding a header & footer in a Cute Menu dropdown

Image & text at the top and bottom

The Cute Menu Module is all about making your menu look cute... This is achieved, in part, by the nice top bar, and a gradient in your dropdown. But what makes it even better are the images that you can make appear inside your menus.

There are two areas for that purpose: the Header and the Footer. Both are handled the same way, it is just a flag in your menu item that changes between one and the other.

About Us

Here you will find a few of the software solutions that have been made possible by Made to Order Software Corporation. Feel free to contact us for more information.

Snap! Websites

Made to Order Software created Snap! Websites, a CMS system, which allows customers to create their own websites, hosted on our servers.

The new version of Snap! is actually Open Source. You can find more information about Snap! Websites Open Source on the Snap! Website a C++ CMS website.

A few customers using our old Snap! offer include:


The assert() macro in C/C++


This is a subject that comes back all the time in C/C++ boards.

Should you use assertions?

The answer is clearly yes. But the C/C++ assert() function is usually defined using a macro. Macros have several problems. The most common ones are: they offer no type checking, they do not warn you about weird side effects, they have a different syntax than the C/C++ language itself.

One good thing: for a fast program, the debug code used to check parameters, results, etc. is gone.

One really bad thing: if the expression in the macro has a side effect, the release program is different from ...

New Professional Developer Tools

Made to Order Software Corporation is proud to present three new products, announced at the Linux on Wall Street conference in New York City, New York!

  • molib™

A robust application toolkit library, molib gives you the power to develop cross-platform applications quickly and easily. It abstracts operating system calls through C++ objects (i.e. moFile and moDirectory abstract access to the file system, moDatabase to a database of your choice and moApplication to the system environment). This lets you write code once to create applications which compile and ...

Made to Order Software Consults with Volcano

Made to Order Software Corporation has just accepted a long term contract with Volcano Corporation, a $103 million company based in Rancho Cordova, California.

Volcano builds complex medical systems used to image venous canals using catheters. It helps save lives by making sure doctors use stents only when required. Made to Order Software is proud to help Volcano reach its goals with their embedded software systems.

Made to Order Software value added includes high quality technical documentation approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in the USA and similar agencies in Japan and ...