Are you in the process of purchasing payroll software for your business? Selecting the right one is not as easy as you may think, especially when you don’t know exactly what you’re looking for.
This article examines a few things you should know before selecting a software solution that meets your needs.
Are you struggling to stay on top of everything in your business?
You don't need to handle everything all alone — there's software specifically designed to help your business thrive without you having to put in more hours. The right software will save you time by keeping everything organized and ready to go.
Learn about the 3 types of software to keep your business running as it should while you focus on more important things.
As we go through each type, understand that the software your business needs depends mainly ...
You've heard it said that a team is only as good as its leader, right? In the world of computer systems, many times, a computer is only as good as its software.
If you do any marketing research or work for an online company, one of the best software you could ask for is a keyword finder. If your job focuses on marketing techniques and sale inquiries, keyword finders are the way to go.
Why? Let's discuss the most significant benefits these handy tools can provide for you!
If you are searching for information about a subject ...
As e-Fax is updating their systems further to be compliant with various security systems, some new problems may arise on your servers.
The main one is an SSL error that is quite unclear.
Warning: stream_socket_client(): SSL operation failed with code 1. OpenSSL Error messages: error:14090086:SSL routines:ssl3_get_server_certificate:certificate verify failed in /path-to-php-efax/http_request.php on line 294
As we can see, the error mentions a server certificate function and says it could not verify a certificate.
If your server is not 100% up to date with newest SSL versions or your web ...
The main idea of MobileKey is to give you the capability to switch your website theme to a mobile specific theme when the user access your site from one's mobile phone. A mobile theme will make it easier to access your website on a mobile device.
For go to the ThemeKey settings page:
Administer » Site configuration » ThemeKey
The MobileKey adds one selection to the list of attributes to match. The new selection is called:
This works everywhere on your website (it is a global option, not specific to any kind of pages.) The system checks different parameters to
Today I discovered It's All Text. This was a FireFox (also works in SeaMonkey) extension that gives you the capability of editing a box of text in your favorite editor.
I love to use SeaMonkey, but the text editor is a bit light when it comes to writing code or fix broken HTML. To palliate to this problem, I often copy and paste the content of my posts from SeaMonkey to gVim, my favorite editor, apply the fixes lightning fast, and then copy the result back in SeaMonkey before saving.
This is a rather tedious process and prone to mistakes. To avoid problems, you can instead install ...
At this point, most of the Table of Contents configuration is done in the Table of Contents filter.
This means multiple Input formats allow you to make use of several different configurations.
Terms in a taxonomy can be organized as children of other terms. This generates a parent/child organization. For instance, you can have a term Fruit and mark Apple and Peach as children of Fruit.
The parent/child relationship can be used when you organize your Taxonomy VTN to shorten each page of your dictionary. The idea is simple: whenever you enter the top dictionary (taxonomy) page, you only get a list of the root terms (terms that are not children of other terms.) That list gives you access to the children terms and/or nodes of the parent term.
*the version specified here is the version in which the tags appeared—however, actions of higher versions can be used with older version tags and thus this version doesn't indicate the version of all the actions used in this tag
The DoABC and DoABCDefine are available since version 9. These are similar to the old DoAction and DoInitAction, yet the actions use a way different declaration scheme and they include flags and a name. This new scheme helps greatly in simplifying the definitions of ECMAScript classes and accelerate the access to the code tremendously.
Note that the ...
End a record of actions. There are no valid instances where this action is optional.
The End action itself as no meaning other than marking the end of the list of actions. Yet, if reached, the execution of the script ends and is considered complete.