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Protected Node Rules Support

The following features are available only when installing the Rules extension of protected nodes. This extension requires the thrid party Rules extension for Drupal.

Protected Node Rules Conditions

When handling a Node, it is possible to check whether the node is currently protected or locked.

Protected Nodes

A node is said protected when the node was protected by a password using the Protected node module.

Whether the user can view that node is irrevelant in this case. Only the fact that the node requires a password to be viewed is what this condition checks.

Locked Nodes

A ...

To Do Rules

The To Do module includes a sub-module called To Do Rules extension.


The Rules extension includes the events as follow.

Each event is sent once per user assigned to a To Do item, including self-assigned users. It includes 4 parameters: the To Do item (a node); the To Do item author; the currently logged in user; and the assigned user. The node supports additional tokens that can be used as conditions (see below).

  • To Do Event Started

This event occurs when the Start button is clicked on a To Do item. This event is sent once.

  • To Do Event Reminder

This event


Tag Info
Tag Number: 
Tag Type: 
Tag Flash Version: 
Brief Description: 

Define an action button. Includes a color transformation. 

Tag Structure: 
struct swf_definebutton2 {
	swf_tag		f_tag;		/* 34 */
	unsigned short		f_button_id;
	unsigned		f_reserved : 7;
	unsigned		f_menu : 1;
	unsigned short		f_buttons_size;
	swf_button		f_buttons;
	swf_condition		f_conditions;

The DefineButton2 is very similar to the DefineButton tag. The list of actions was however changed in a list of actions to execute on a condition. Whenever an event occur, the plugin checks for that condition within all the buttons which can possibly catch that event at the time. For all the matches it finds, the corresponding actions are executed.

SWF Condition (swf_condition)

SWF Structure Info
Tag Flash Version: 
SWF Structure: 
struct swf_condition {
	unsigned short		f_condition_length;1
	unsigned		f_condition_key : 7;
	unsigned		f_condition_menu_leave : 1;
	unsigned		f_condition_menu_enter : 1;
	unsigned		f_condition_pointer_release_ouside : 1;
	unsigned		f_condition_pointer_drag_enter : 1;
	unsigned		f_condition_pointer_drag_leave : 1;
	unsigned		f_condition_pointer_release_inside : 1;
	unsigned		f_condition_pointer_push : 1;
	unsigned		f_condition_pointer_leave : 1;
	unsigned		f_condition_pointer_enter : 1;
	swf_action		f_action_record[variable];
  • 1. The number of actions is variable, the f_condition_length parameter indicates the number of bytes and can be used to skip one condition and all of its actions at once. The action array must always be terminated by an End action entry (i.e 0x00).

A condition is defined in a DefineButton2 tag. It is a record of conditions. The record terminates when the size of the current (i.e. last) condition is zero. The length of that condition can be deduced from the total size of the tag minus the offset where the condition starts. Conditions are similar to events.

The f_key field represents a key code since version 4. The following table gives the code equivalence. Note that 0 means no key.


Tag Info
Tag Number: 
Tag Type: 
Tag Flash Version: 
Brief Description: 

Defines how to play a sound effect for when an event occurs on the referenced button.

Tag Structure: 
enum {

struct swf_definebuttonsound {
	swf_tag			f_tag;		/* 17 */
	unsigned short		f_button_id_ref;
	swf_sound_info		f_button_sound_condition[DEFINE_BUTTON_SOUND_CONDITION_MAX];

The DefineButtonSound can be used to emit a sound when an event occur on the specified button. It is likely better to use sprites that you display using actions than to use this tag. You will have access to more events and conditions, plus this tag always includes four sound effect references.

The f_button_id_ref is a reference to the button given sound effects.

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Terms & Conditions

Made to Order Software Corporation
Terms and Conditions for the Online Services
offered by Made to Order Software Corporation

This Agreement ("Agreement") is by and between Made to Order Software Corporation ("m2osw") a Californian Corporation and You, your heirs, your agents, successors and assigns ("You" and "Your"), and is made effective as of the date of electronic execution, which is when you register for an electronic account to use the Web site of m2osw. This Agreement sets forth the terms and conditions of Your use of the Online Services ...

Made to Order Software releases Turn Watcher 1.4 and a new website!

Made to Order Software is proud to announce the release of Turn Watcher version 1.4 and a brand new website!

Turn Watcher version 1.4 incorporates not only some much needed bug fixes (specifically the Stabilize function) but the addition of a brand new feature: Soft Columns.

Use Soft Columns to add, edit and remove rolls and information columns to each of your combatants. For example, you may remove the Spot/Listen columns and replace them with Perception. Add new rolls such as Move Silently and Persuasion. You may also add information-only columns such as Armor Class and Condition Track, ...