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Insert Node Known Issues

The following are problems that have not been resolved and will probably not be.

Tag not transformed

At times, you enter the tag as in [node:123 cck=title] and it is not converted by the filter.

There are 3 common reasons for this to append:

  1. You did not select the filter in your Input formats;
  2. You did not select the format that uses the filter in that node; or
  3. There is a syntax error in the tag.

The 3rd one is certainly the most likely explanation once you made sure that the filter was effectively selected for that node. In many cases, it will be the missing ...

Insert Node Parameter: booktree (6-1.2)

If you have books and you are using the booktree module, then you can insert a book tree in another node using the Insert node module with the booktree parameter.

The book tree will start with the specified node.

See Also: Insert Node Parameter: cck (6-1.2)


This parameter is an extension that should be part of the booktree module and not of the Insert Node. It made not be supported in future versions (3.x, D7...)

The Insert Node module verifies that the user has permission to view that book tree. If not, nothing is output which means that the tag may instead generate ...

Insert Node Parameter: cck (6-1.2)

The CCK parameter let you insert one of your CCK field and some node fields that cannot otherwise be added without being themed.

We support CCK fields and several special field names as follow.

Fields that appeared after version 6-1.2 have a version specified between parenthesis (i.e. 6-1.3).

cck=field_<name>; [requires CCK]

The CCK parameter must be followed by a field name. An empty name is likely to generate an error. The name of a field that does not exist is likely to generate nothing.

For instance, if you have a field named see_also, you would write:


Insert Node Parameter: modified (6-1.0)

This parameter inserts the date when the node was last modified.

Note that a node that was never edited does not have a modification date. When that happens, the creation date is used instead.

The date is formatted using the default format date function (see the Drupal format_date() function.)

CSS Class: span.insert-node-date

Theme: InsertNode_modified

See Also: Insert Node Parameter: created (6-1.0)

Insert Node Parameter: created (6-1.0)

This parameter inserts the date when the specified node was created.

The date format defined for the site is used to display the date (see the Drupal function named format_date().)

CSS Class: span.insert-node-date

Theme: InsertNode_created

See Also: Insert Node Parameter: modified (6-1.0)

Insert Node Parameter: edit (6-1.2)

This parameter adds a quick link to edit the node1.

CSS Class: span.insert-node-edit

Theme: InsertNode_edit

See Also: Insert Node Parameter: link (5-1.0)

  • 1. It may appear even to users who do not have edit permission (which is a bug,) although it still won't allow them to edit anything.

Insert Node Parameter: noterms (6-1.1) [no content]

This parameter can be used to avoid inserting the terms of your node in the output.

It must be used before the "default", content, or any other parameter that inserts the node terms in the output.

See Also: Insert Node Parameter: "default" [no content parameter] (5-1.x), Insert Node Parameter: body (5-1.x), Insert Node Parameter: content (6-1.0)

Insert Node Parameter: comments (6-1.1) [no content]

Attach the comments at the bottom of the node data.

The comments will be shown just as in the regular page (i.e. flat, thread, expanded, collapsed.)

Note that this data is considered a [no content] because it does not affect the use of the "default" parameter. However, it definitively adds content to your output.

CSS Class: div.insert-node-comments

Theme: InsertNode_comments


The comments are appended to anything else that you have inserted. You cannot use the order of your parameters to put the comments in a different location. In order to do that, use multiple

Insert Node Parameter: collapsed (6-1.0) [no content]

Put the generated content inside a collapsible frame.

The frame is collapsed at the start.

By default, the title of the node is used as the title of the frame. You can specify (since 6-1.2) the title as the value of the parameter:

   collapsed=There is my other node, click to read it;

See Also: Insert Node Parameter: collapsible (5-1.x) [no content]


Note that the parameter value ends with a semi-colon! Do not include quotes unless you want to see them in the output. Yes. This means the text cannot include a semi-colon as is.

Insert Node Parameter: collapsible (5-1.x) [no content]

Put the generated content inside a collapsible frame.

The frame is expanded at the start.

By default, the title of the node is used as the title of the frame. You can specify (since 6-1.2) the title as the value of the parameter:

   collapsible=There is my other node;

See Also: Insert Node Parameter: collapsed (6-1.0) [no content]


The version of the module for Drupal 5.x outputs the body whenever the collapsible parameter is used.


Note that the parameter value ends with a semi-colon! Do not include quotes unless you want to see them in the output. Yes. This means the