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Insert Node Parameter: "default" [no content parameter] (5-1.x)

By default, the node tag can be used without any of the parameters that add content (the parameters without the [no content] comment in their description title.) In that case, the content of the node is inserted as if content had been specified.

However, since version 6-1.1, the theme of the default parameter can be overloaded. This means you can change the default by writing a function to overload the default.

CSS Class: div.insert-node-content

Theme: InsertNode_default

Insert Node Parameter: content (6-1.0)

Display the body of the node, the terms, the CCK fields, and the links. Input filters are applied.

When no output parameter is used, this is what appears by default. However, the "default" theme can be changed.

CSS Class: div.insert-node-content

Theme: InsertNode_content

See Also: Insert Node Parameter: body (5-1.x)

Insert Node Parameter: page (6-1.2)

Display the body of the node, the terms, the CCK fields, and the links. Input filters are applied.

In this case the Insert Node tells the node that it is its page. Some modules will react differently than when body is used.

CSS Class: div.insert-node-page

Theme: InsertNode_page

See Also: Insert Node Parameter: body (5-1.x)

Insert Node Parameter: body (5-1.x)

Display the body of the node, the terms and the CCK fields. Input filters are applied.

CSS Class: div.insert-node-body

Theme: InsertNode_body

See Also: Insert Node Parameter: content (6-1.0), Insert Node Parameter: page (6-1.2), Insert Node Parameter: teaser (5-1.x), Insert Node Parameter: themed (6-1.0)

Insert Node Parameter: themed (6-1.0)

Display the themed body of the node and the terms as if you were looking at that very node.

The CCK fields and links are not shown. The filters are not applied.

This means if you use a filter such as the footnotes filter with [fn]Info tags, they will NOT be transformed.

CSS Class: no class is added, this keyword returns the theme() call content immediately.

Theme: InsertNode_themed

See Also: Insert Node Parameter: body (5-1.x)

Insert Node Usage


The Insert node tag syntax is:

   [node:<name of node> <parameters>]

Name of node

The <name of node> can either be

  • The name of the node, i.e. it's URL without the protocol and domain1, or
  • The node identifier (the number you see in your URL when you edit the node), or
  • An asterisk (*) in which case the current node applies2
    • 1. For instance, to insert this very node, I would use the name doc_insert_node_usage.
    • 2. The asterisk is useful to repeat something from the node in a block. This could be the title of the node or a CCK field. I would suggest ...

Your cell phone is hackable...

This is a quite interesting article which I thought I should share and keep a copy of!

Most of us, even if we can determine whether a piece of software (or hardware!) can be hacked, we just do not have the time to spend on testing each device we use to ensure that no hackers will be able to get it. We rely on the manufacturer to do that work for us.

This article shows that even though all manufacturers have protections, all are vulnerable! And that means your data is vulnerable on your cell phones... Hope this does not scare you too much!

Note by the way that those people who have plenty of ...

CuteMenu To Do List

There are probably many things that could be done on this module. This is a short list for now:

The Cute Menu (The Module —)


The Cute Menu Drupal Module is used to create advanced dropdown menus. The module is free and can be found on the Drupal website.

The list of items can be grouped under a title. The title is a menu entry which cannot be clicked on.

The dropdown panes can include a header and a footer with images and text.

WordPress at Made to Order Software!

Welcome on Alexis’ Blog at Made to Order Software Corporation.

This is my first blog! I’m glad I got WordPress to work with the m2osw style sheet. It is quite different from the default blogging board setup! Also I needed to make it work for several people on the same website without duplicating the code each time.

I did make changes to the code in order to achieve this feat. First, I had to access a specific database for each person to have its own blog (this may be just me who did not know how to use all the available features of WordPress, though.)

The following function ...