The DoAction tag will be used to execute a set of actions in place. Usually, actions are used on buttons to add interactivity to the SWF movies. In version 1 you had only one dynamic branch (WaitForFrame). In version 4 you can test many different things such as a position, angle or sound track cursor position. Since version 5, SWF has a complete scripting language supporting string and arithmetic operations.
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If you are dissatisfied with a software purchase, contact us within 30 days; if we can't make it right, we will assist you in deleting the installed software and refund your purchase price. To get your refund, please log in to your account and fill out our secure return form with an explanation of your dissatisfaction. We will refund your purchase price upon receipt.
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This Agreement ("Agreement") is by and between Made to Order Software Corporation ("m2osw") a Californian Corporation and You, your heirs, your agents, successors and assigns ("You" and "Your"), and is made effective as of the date of electronic execution, which is when you register for an electronic account to use the Web site of m2osw. This Agreement sets forth the terms and conditions of Your use of the Online Services ...
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Since it's initial release in 2002, SSWF has been extremely popular. Despite never being advertised, it has been downloaded more than 77,250 times just on, has been converted to work on several Unix platforms not initially ...
The ODBC library is an interesting concept created by Microsoft in 1988. It is a library that wraps the implementation details of database managers inside drivers. And these drivers are accessible from the library.
One of the main problem with accessing any database system, is the large number of ...
At Made to Order Software we think that using Open Source software is an incredible leverage for our customers. Plain and simple: if the software is free, you do not need to pay for it. You only need to pay us for installing the software and training you on how to use it.
We currently offer three solutions: Compiere ERP & CRM, SugarCRM and X-Tuple ERP.
More and more, people are learning new software as they go. A few will stick to one software for a long time simply because it is easier, but changing is easy too, especially if the new system is easy to use. But how do you produce throwaway software? And is it worth the trouble? As we see things evolving, more and more, people want to use software anywhere they go. This means software that runs on the Internet in some ways. For instance, you can use Google Map anywhere you go, as long as you have a computer to access the Internet.
I have been wondering, for a little while, how can I properly test my PHP code?! Only my server can run it, right? Well, no, there is CLI. Okay, but how can I make that work in there?
The best answer I’ve got so far: simpletest. This PHP library let you write a test a la C++. You simply create a class derived from a SimpleTest class, and voilà. You are done. Well… you still have to implement test functions. But that is still a breeze.
I used this library to test the PHP eFax classes and got about 4 bugs out (not too bad, considering I wrote over 1,000 lines of code and ...
This year, 2008, I decided to register and go to LinuxWorld. It is in August and my kids are not at school so it was easy to manage. Also, I had to go to the French consulate to get a birth certificate for my daughter. In other words, I had the chance to do two things at once!
I found it quite interesting to hear that many people were not too excited about the event. Many of the people walking around are like me: they themselves sell their own Linux solution. In other words, they are not going to be customers. I had the chance to talk with Roger Levi, the Vice President of the Open Platform ...