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What kind of test do I need for my software?

Perfect Testing in Software


Most software companies run in that dilemma. In order to write software that works, you want to write some tests. The question for many of these companies is: what kind of tests are most efficient for my business?

Here we talk about seven common test practices in the software industry.

1. Unit Testing

Probably the most used form of testing is Unit Testing. This is easy to write and very effective in discovering bugs. If you are looking at verifying correctness, this is 100% what you need to have to test your software.

Why is it easy to write?

In most cases, Unit ...

Top 6 Benefits of Hotel Management Software

Technology is ever-changing, and it brings huge operational benefits to all industries, including hospitality. However, not every business has the time, energy, funds, and resources to constantly invest in the latest technological breakthroughs.

That being said, there are a few simple and cost-effective operational aids that are easy to setup and make running a hospitality business that much easier, like hotel management software.

Not sure if you need new software for your hotel? Keep reading to learn how digital hotel management solutions improve efficiency.

Six Tips on How Hotel Software Can Help You

1. Accurate Reports

Hotel ...

SimpleMenu Custom Theme


The newer versions of SimpleMenu allows for an easy way of adding custom themes.

There are two main ways to add new SimpleMenu themes:

1. In the simplemenu themes folder;

2. In your theme folder.

SimpleMenu themes folder


If you look under the simplemenu folder, you will see a sub-folder named themes. You can place your own specialized themes in that folder to make them available system-wide (i.e. if you are using many themes or use one Drupal installation for many websites.) In other words, this folder is viewed as a global theme folder.

The themes folder ...

Table of Contents Settings

Filter Configuration

At this point, most of the Table of Contents configuration is done in the Table of Contents filter.

This means multiple Input formats allow you to make use of several different configurations.

Table of Contents Known Issues

Various known issues with the Table of Contents module.

Teaser appear, FCKeditor accentuated letters,  Back to top arrow, Filters interaction (JavaScript removal,) headers numbering, double numbering...

To Do Actions


Go to Administer » Site building » Modules and click on To Do Action to install the Action extension for the To Do module.

This module requires the installation of the Drupal Core Trigger module.

To Do List Global Settings

Global Settings

Global settings are found under Administer » Site configuration » To do list (admin/settings/to_do).

Only To Do List administrators can edit the Global Settings.

Discuss This! module Known Issues

The module works and is secure, however, there are problems difficult to circumvent. The following lists them. If you can help fixing some them, you'll be more than welcome!

Reordering the Comments on your Node

It is possible to reorder the node fields using the CCK module. If the Discuss This! comments do not appear exactly where you'd expect them to be, try using the the CCK module:

  1. Download the CCK module
  2. Install the CCK module
  3. Go to Administer » Content management » Content types
  4. Click on Manage content fields next to the node type you are ...

Insert Nodes used as a macro (6.x-1.2)

This module can be used to create macros (as pointed out by one of our user in a Drupal issue.)

The following steps show you how you can create a macro with the Insert Node module.

Create the Macro

First, create a node that is to become the macro. We will call this node macro. It is used without the Insert Node filter so the Insert Node tags do not get changed. This is important since we reference the main node (with the asterisk) and that reference would look like a recursive reference.

One idea is to use the macro as a PayPal button which gets set with parameters from another node. ...


SWF Action
Action Category: 
Action Details: 
Action Identifier: 
Action Structure: 
Action Length: 
0 byte(s)
Action Stack: 
pop 1 (a), push 1 (n)
Action Operation: 
a1 := pop();
r := a1.valueOf();
Action Flash Version: 

Pop one item and transform it into a number (integer or floating point.) If a1 is already a number, it is simply pushed back on the stack.

For strings it works as you would expect (see the strtof(3C) manual pages).

For a user defined object, the method named valueOf() is called. You can declare that function on your own objects to get this action to retrieve the value.