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Safely Processing a Queue of Jobs

What is a Queue

In software a queue is a container which is used to add items on one side and remove them on the other in a very efficient manner.

Sorted Queues

When used by a Journal, a queue is often going to support some kind of sorted order. Some jobs are more important than others and these should be built sooner. In other words, we give those jobs a higher priority and we sort the queue by priority first then using the time at which the job gets inserted.

Note that the C++ std::queue and std::unque containers do not offer anyway to support a priority. Instead you have to use ...

The set_fax_id() function PHP e-Fax must be given unique IDs, each time.

Fax button on an old type of fax machine

The PHP eFax system uses a class that ease the communication between your software and eFax. The developer system is not too complicated, but there are tricks to it and the class hides most of them.

Today a customer contacted us as they just purchased a copy of our PHP library and had problems sending faxes. The fact is that they used the set_fax_id() function with a hard coded string. Imagine doing something like:

$efax->set_fax_id("Test Fax");

This looks pretty good, only after the second time the sending of the fax will fail because eFax considers that it was already ...

Handling of Pop-up Windows by SimpleMenu


By default, SimpleMenu is not shown on pop-up windows. There is a flag in the SimpleMenu settings that can be unchecked to avoid this side effect. The pop-up capability is often detected when you open a new tab from the current window. It will depend on the browser and the link being clicked1.

Quick Fix

When the menu is only used by the administrators, it is possible to simply open a new tab and copy and paste the URL from the existing window with the missing menu to the ...

  • 1. We are trying to ameliorate the code, but it is not easy to make it work properly 100% of the time.

Insert Node Parameter: modified (6-1.0)

This parameter inserts the date when the node was last modified.

Note that a node that was never edited does not have a modification date. When that happens, the creation date is used instead.

The date is formatted using the default format date function (see the Drupal format_date() function.)

CSS Class: span.insert-node-date

Theme: InsertNode_modified

See Also: Insert Node Parameter: created (6-1.0)

Insert Node Parameter: created (6-1.0)

This parameter inserts the date when the specified node was created.

The date format defined for the site is used to display the date (see the Drupal function named format_date().)

CSS Class: span.insert-node-date

Theme: InsertNode_created

See Also: Insert Node Parameter: modified (6-1.0)

Insert Node Parameter: edit (6-1.2)

This parameter adds a quick link to edit the node1.

CSS Class: span.insert-node-edit

Theme: InsertNode_edit

See Also: Insert Node Parameter: link (5-1.0)

  • 1. It may appear even to users who do not have edit permission (which is a bug,) although it still won't allow them to edit anything.

Insert Node Parameter: comments (6-1.1) [no content]

Attach the comments at the bottom of the node data.

The comments will be shown just as in the regular page (i.e. flat, thread, expanded, collapsed.)

Note that this data is considered a [no content] because it does not affect the use of the "default" parameter. However, it definitively adds content to your output.

CSS Class: div.insert-node-comments

Theme: InsertNode_comments


The comments are appended to anything else that you have inserted. You cannot use the order of your parameters to put the comments in a different location. In order to do that, use multiple

Insert Node Parameter: link (5-1.0)

Display the title of the node as a link to the node, unthemed.

With version 6.x-1.1, it is possible to change the link to a text that you specify as in:

   link=Read more about that in yesterday's post!;

CSS Class: span.insert-node-link

Theme: InsertNode_link

See Also: Insert Node Parameter: edit (6-1.2), Insert Node Parameter: more (6-1.1)


Note that the parameter value ends with a semi-colon! Do not include quotes unless you want to see them in the output. Yes. This means the text cannot include a semi-colon as is.

Insert Node Parameter: more (6-1.1)

Display the words "Read more..." with a link to the node, unthemed.

Useful when just the teaser or the title are being shown.

The text "Read more..." can be changed by specifying a string after the parameter like this:

    more=Lire la suite...;

CSS Class: span.insert-node-more

Theme: InsertNode_more

See Also: Insert Node Parameter: link (5-1.0)


Note that the parameter value ends with a semi-colon! Do not include quotes unless you want to see them in the output. Yes. This means the text cannot include a semi-colon as is.

Insert Node Parameter: teaser (5-1.x)

Display the teaser of the node and the terms. Input filters are applied.

CSS Class: div.insert-node-teaser

Theme: InsertNode_teaser

See Also: Insert Node Parameter: body (5-1.x)