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The Benefits of Keyword Research Software

Various Branches of SEO

You've heard it said that a team is only as good as its leader, right? In the world of computer systems, many times, a computer is only as good as its software.

If you do any marketing research or work for an online company, one of the best software you could ask for is a keyword finder. If your job focuses on marketing techniques and sale inquiries, keyword finders are the way to go. 

Why? Let's discuss the most significant benefits these handy tools can provide for you!

1. They Help Narrow the Search Results  

If you are searching for information about a subject ...

Discuss This! module Known Issues

The module works and is secure, however, there are problems difficult to circumvent. The following lists them. If you can help fixing some them, you'll be more than welcome!

Reordering the Comments on your Node

It is possible to reorder the node fields using the CCK module. If the Discuss This! comments do not appear exactly where you'd expect them to be, try using the the CCK module:

  1. Download the CCK module
  2. Install the CCK module
  3. Go to Administer » Content management » Content types
  4. Click on Manage content fields next to the node type you are ...

Discuss This! User Work Flow

Discuss This! Work FlowThe Discuss This! module enables you to remove comments from a page, but still let people post comments about it. The page teaser will be used in a forum post and the valuable user comment attached to that forum.

Discuss This! (The Module —)

The following documentation is about the Discuss This! module.

The concept of the Discuss This! module is simple:

Let users comment your pages but force them to do so in your Forum.