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Order Made!® version 1.7 featuring Google Maps™

The software engineers at m2osw have been hard at work developing and testing the next major release of Order Made!®, version 1.7 that has an incredible new feature! Order Made! is a premier turn key website for patrons of restaurants to place their orders online.

Recently, Wayne Mok of the New Rice Bowl Restaurant in Carmichael, CA told us that the best thing about Order Made! is that it keeps he and his wife off the phone. They love to cook, and talking on the phone is often difficult and time consuming. But for delivery orders, Wayne told us they were still spending time on the phone calling for directions.

We devised an innovative solution in partnership with Google™ and their mapping system, Google Maps™. Now, with every online delivery order processed through the Order Made! system, Wayne receives point to point directions with every order.

The philosophy at m2osw is that our customers' problems are our problems. Order Made! is a living system that continually evolves and improves from the ideas of m2osw Research and Development, but we feel that the best ideas come from our customers. We give our top priority to those ideas so that our entire community of Order Made! restaurant owners benefit from each others' ideas.

If you are interested in learning more about how Order Made! can work for your restaurant, or if you would like to become a sales reseller or affiliate, contact Alexis Wilke +1 (916) 220-6482.

John W. Codling
Marketing Manager
Made to Order Software Corporation
