Extend To Do List with other modules


The To Do List module can be extend with the use of other modules. This page describes such extensions and what you can do with them.


You may want to allow more people to work on your To Do List with better granularity in regard to who can edit which issue (instead of all of them) and who can view issues.

There are two modules you can use for this pupose. One lets you choose based on a set of taxonomy terms and the other lets you choose based on available roles.

In order to use a taxonomy with a set of terms, use tac_lite1. This is really the easiest way to mark each item permission exactly the want your want it.

To make items available only to a specific role, even when that role would otherwise have access to all the To Do List items, use Node privacy by role.


By default, the To Do List works with the auto-path module properly, creating new items under the path todo/task-title.

I may add some extensions to allow for some of the data to be included in the path. However, it may not be a good idea because each time you edit a To Do List item, the path will change and thus your users won't be able to access the old items were they bookmarking them...

  • 1. tac_lite stands for Taxonomy Access Control Light—a really light weight module using the taxonomy as a mean to control access rights to your nodes.