SWF RGBA (swf_rgba)

SWF Structure Info
Tag Flash Version: 
SWF Structure: 
struct swf_rgba {
	unsigned char		f_red;
	unsigned char		f_green;
	unsigned char		f_blue;
	unsigned char		f_alpha;1
  • 1. 0 represent a fully transparent color, 255 represents a solid color.

The color components can be set to any value from 0 (no intensity) to maximum intensity (255).1

It is important to note that even fully transparent pixels may not have their red, green, blue components set to 0. This is useful if you want to add a value to the alpha channel using one of the color transformation matrices. In that case, using all 0's would generate a black color.

  • 1. For some PNG images, the red, green and blue colors may need to be multiplied by their alpha channel value before saved. Use the following formula to compute the proper values:

       f_red = orginal red * f_alpha / 255